Std 1 to 12

કેતન જોષી

ધોરણ 1 થી 12 બુક માં પીડીએફ ફાઈલ/ટૂંક સમયમાં વિડિયો ફાઈલ મુકવામાં આવશે/મોબાઇલમાં પીડીએફ ફાઇલ ખુલશે

કેતન જોષી આપણું હાર્દિક સ્વાગત કરું છું
Title of the document

Unit 2: The Human Robot

Unit 2: The Human Robot

કેતન જોષી

an one

 (1) The salesman gave a proud smile as he headed towards isolated robot in metallic blue. "This is perfectly programmed to function in the household, cleaning, arranging, collecting groceries from the supermarket, tending the lawn, mailing letters, relating your programmes on the TV and selecting news of your interest from the paper." The salesman paused 

for breath and continued, “All you need is the remote control monitor for command."

"You mean sitting at home I can command the robot in the city market ?" asked Prem Chopra.

- "It operates within a limited radius of a kilometre. By the way, this one is called Ram Singh -070," the salesman explained.

1. For what was the metallic blue programmed ?

Ans. The metallic blue robot was programmed to do household work like cleaning, arranging collecting groceries from the supermarket, tending the lawn, mailing letters, relating TV programmes and selecting news of interest from the paper.

2. What was the name of the robot ?

 Ans. The name of the robot was Ram Singh - 070.

(2) Prem Chopra nodded. The salesman demonstrated the gait, grip, movement and some programmed functions. Everything was well-tuned and fixed. Prem Chopra seemed satisfied with the deal.

: “I must tell you, like all robots, and adhering to the discipline of robotics, Ram Singh has an in-built system of three principles : the robot will obey his master, the robot will not harm humans; and the robot will not take harm to self."

Prem Chopra heard the first principle and it impressed him. He did not take notice of the other two. He nodded delightedly and assigned the sale deed and contract of ‘no misuse of the robot'. He had now got a servant and an accomplice.

1. What did the salesman demonstrate ? 


What did the salesman check before giving the robot ?

 Ans. The salesman demonstrated the gait, grip, movement and some programmed functions of the robot.

2. Which are the three principles of robotics ? OR

Which principles govern Ram Singh - 070's behaviour ? 

Ans. The three principles of robotics are: the robot will obey his master, the robot will not harm humans; and the robot will not take harm to self.

3. By which principle was Prem Chopra impressed ?

 Ans. Prem Chopra was impressed by the principle that the robot will obey his master.

(3) “If Ram Singh - 070, my robot, can shop for groceries, then why not for better things like jewels ?” thought Prem Chopra. In the market, robots carrying heavy packets, buying theatre tickets, carrying groceries to the cars were a common sight but still strange and amusing servants. Ram Singh -070 was thoroughly efficient. With tremendous speed and accuracy, he collected the groceries into the shopping trolley and paused for the next command. "Two kilograms of mangoes – ripe and juicy," commanded Prem Chopra from a distance, seeing a huge pile of mangoes. In no time Ram Singh - 070 had selected the best ones.

1. What shows that Ram Singh - 070 was very efficient ?

 Ans. Ram Singh - 070 was efficient because he collected groceries and selected the best mangoes with great speed and accuracy.

2. What was a common sight in the market ?

Ans. Robots carrying heavy packets, buying theatre tickets and carrying groceries to the cars were common sight in the market. a

( 4 ) Ram Singh - 070 followed Prem Chopra like a faithful dog when he stopped at Gopal Jewellers. Through the glass window he saw a generous display of gold ornaments. Quickly Prem Chopra disappeared around the corner and spoke into the remote control – softly and clearly. “Pick up a necklace and hide. No noise. Information not to be revealed. Top secret. Otherwise I will defuse your system,” he threatened.

Ram Singh - 070 moved inside the shop, close to the counter. His metallic palm extended forward silently and a necklace went into the storage unit without a clink or a jingle. Nobody took notice.

1. What did Ans. Prem Chopra warned the robot that if he revealed the information of theft, he would defuse his (robot's) system. 

2. How did Ram Singh - 070 steal the necklace ? 

Singh extended his metallic palm, picked up the

Prem Chopra warn the robot ?

Ans. Ram unit without any noise.

necklace and hid it into his storage 

( 5 ) From expensive antiques to ornaments and precious stones, the shop-lifting went on for some days without any trace of anxiety and recognition in the beginning. But the confused reactions of shop-owners gradually became louder. Unaware, Prem Chopra went on with his shop-lifting spree until a young fruit vendor noticed an expensive bunch of Afghani grapes disappearing inside the metallic blue robot. The incident was related all over and no sooner had they heard than some shopkeepers recalled the presence of a metallic blue robot in their shops before their valuables were missing. This information reached the police headquarters in no time.

1. What things did Prem Chopra steal ?

Ans. Prem Chopra stole expensive antiques, ornaments and precious stones.

2. What did a fruit vendor notice ?

Ans. A fruit vendor noticed an expensive bunch of Afghani grapes disappearing inside the metallic blue robot.

3. What did some shopkeepers recall ?

Ans. Some shopkeepers recalled the presence of a metallic blue robot in their shops before their valuables were missing.

 ( 6 ) One day Prem Chopra guided Ram Singh - 070 to Jhaveri Brothers for lifting precious gems. The police was waiting in readiness and the computerized cameras capable of split second recording, clicked him in the act. Ram Singh robot was caught, but Prem Chopra fled as soon as he saw, through the binoculars, two persons noting down Ram Singh's licence number printed on his metallic neck.

Prem Chopra was arrested from his home, as owner of Ram Singh - 070, the thief.

1. Why did Prem Chopra flee?

Ans. When Prem Chopra saw that Ram Singh -070 was caught stealing and two persons were noting down his license number printed on his metallic neck, he fled from there.

2. Why was Prem Chopra arrested ?

Ans. Prem Chopra was arrested because he was the owner of Ram Singh -070, the thief.

(7) Soon after his arrest, Prem Chopra was released on bail until the court hearing. None of the stolen articles were recovered.

He had cleverly disposed them off through his gang. In the court he denied all the charges.

seems to - "Someone else have tampered with Ram Singh - 070's programs. The police found me at home,” he argued.

1. Were the stolen articles recovered ? Why?

Ans. The stolen articles were not recovered because Prem Chopra had disposed them off through his gang.

2. What did Prem Chopra argue in the court ?

Ans. Prem Chopra argued that someone must have tampered with the robot's programs and that the police had found him at home.

3. Why was Prem Chopra given bail ?

Ans. Prem Chopra was given bail till the court hearing because none of the stolen articles were recovered from him.

( 8 ) “Oh, no," cried the salesman of Super Robots. “He is defused, he is dead." There was a hush in the court room. Silence prevailed for long in the court room. The counsel cleared his throat and said, “Robots do not cause harm to people and neither can they disobey their masters. Those instructions from Mr Prem Chopra were not to be revealed. They could have been injurious to his own existence - a threat to the robot's life. If he revealed them, he would disobey his master; if he did not, he would harm others. This conflict brought Ram 

Singh's end. He chose to break apart rather than to telling a lie, hurting human beings or becoming unfaithful.” Traces of pain and depression marked the counsel's face.

The judge pondered for a while and proclaimed, “The court declares Prem Chopra guilty of theft!"

1. What did Ram Singh do with himself at last ? ns. At last Ram Singh broke apart rather than tell a lie, hurt humans or become unfaithful.

2. What was Ram Singh - 070's conflict ?

- Ans. Ram Singh - 070's conflict was that if he revealed the instructions, he would disobey his master and if he did not, he would harm others.

3. What did the judge proclaim ?

Ans. The judge proclaimed that Prem Chopra was guilty of theft.

Unit 2: The Human Robot

(1) Ram Singh -070 - The Human Robot

- (What was the colour of the robot? - What could he do ? - Which were the three principles that were in-built in his system ? - Was he thoroughly efficient ? How ? - What did he steal for Prem Chopra ? - When was he caught ? - What happened in the end ?)

Ans. Ram Singh was a metallic blue robot. He was perfectly programmed to function in the household, cleaning, arranging, collecting groceries from the super market, tending the lawn, 2/ 244 and 424adi: English (SL) 10 (%. 21) D 2124

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mailing letters, relating TV programmes, selecting news from the paper. He had an in-built system of three principles : the robot will obey his master, the robot will not harm humans; and the robot will not take harm to self. Ram Singh - 070 was thoroughly efficient, with tremendous speed and accuracy. He stole expensive antiques, ornaments and precious stones for Prem Chopra, his master. At last he was caught stealing precious gems. When he was produced in the court, Ram Singh chose to break apart rather than tell a lie, hurt human beings or become unfaithfu

(2) Conflict of Ram Singh - 070 with Itse

(in-built system of three principles - produced in court - Prem Chopra had threatened to defuse him - could not disobey his master - conflict – if he revealed the information - disobey his master - if he did not reveal the information - harm people – break apart than tell a lie) = -

Ans. Ram Singh had an in-built system of three principles : the robot will obey his master, the robot will not harm humans; and the robot will not take harm to self. When he was produced in the court, his master, Prem Chopra was confident that the robot would never disobey him. He had threatened Ram Singh that he would defuse him if he revealed any information about stolen goods. Thus Ram Singh was in conflict. If he revealed the information, he would disobey his master. And if he did not, he would harm many other people. This conflict brought Ram Singh's end. He chose to break apart rather than tell a lie, hurt human beings or become unfaithfu

Unit 3: An Interview with Arun Krishnamurt

(1) Arun Krishnamurt

- (Who is Arun Krishnamurthy ? - What is the name of his NGO? - How old was he when he found the NGO ? - What are the activities of Arun and his team? Which was his first activity ? What are Arun's views on animals and birds? - Why should we keep the water bodies clean ? - Why did he quit his job? - How does he encourage students ?)

Ans. Arun Krishnamurthy is a young environmentalist. At the age of 17, he founded an NGO called Environmentalist Foundation of India (EFI). Arun and his team of volunteers clean beaches and other water bodies, plant trees and also make environment-friendly paper bags. Arun first cleaned a lake next to his house, which was heavily polluted, leading to the spread of mosquitoes and making the place ugly. He got a lot of support from his parents and teachers. Arun feels that it is important to protect birds and animals. He feels that water bodies should be kept clean so that birds and animals can live peacefully. Arun left a good job at Google to devote his full attention to environment. EFI offers fellowships to students who are interested in saving the environment.

( 2 ) Role of Arun's parents and teachers in his activities (How did his parents support him ? - What did he do so that he does not fail his parents ? - What did his teachers teach him ?) -

Ans. Arun's parents were very supportive. They understood that his interest was environment. So they never stopped him from doing what he wanted. At the same time, Arun also made sure that he did not fail his parents in any way. He always informed them about everything that he did. He always took their advice before jumping into actions. Arun's teachers taught me how to go about things. They taught him humility - so that he did not become snobbish or arrogant and start thinking that he was a superstar because he was working for the environment. They also taught him to be simple and keep learning all the time.

(3) How Arun's school and college further his interest in environment

(plenty of green cover - home to life forms - understand their importance - beautiful - protect them - animals their own - find their food - always on the lazy-positive – learn from them) - - - are on - move- never 

Ans. Arun's school and college had plenty of green cover. Both these places were home to several other life forms. This made Arun understand their importance. He realized how beautiful they are and why we need to protect them. Arun realized that these animals are on their own, find their own food and are always active, on the move and never lazy. He found all this very positive. According to Arun, we have a lot to learn from these animals.

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